The Constitution of the Combat Flyers Association
A) Aims
The aims of the CFA are to:
1) Promote and raise the standards of all classes of Control Line Combat.
2) Arrest and reverse the decline of the popularity of the sport.
3) Promote popular rules arrived at by democratic means for all classes
4) Establish new classes where necessary to achieve the above aims.
5) Act as a representative body within the BMFA and abide by that body's rules and aims.
6) Represent the interests of Combat Flyers to the BMFA via the Control Line Technical Committee.
7) Remember that what we are doing is, above all, supposed to be fun.
B) General
1) The CFA recognises that status as a Specialist Body may be rescinded by the BMFA Council if the CFA does not act in a representative manner.
2) The CFA will provide the BMFA with membership numbers, fees, financial account details, competition details, committee details and future aspirations.
3) The CFA will be prepared to organise Control Line Combat on behalf of the BMFA at the National Championships and to liaise with the Control Line Technical Committee for this event.
4) The CFA will be prepared to hold British Team trials and recommend teams to the Control Line Technical Committee, if requested to do so by that Committee, but recognises that the BMFA Council does not have to rely upon such trials to decide team selection.
5) The CFA will be prepared to do the following; -
(a) Recommend to the Control Line Technical Committee, if requested to do so by that Committee, one BMFA member to act as Team Manager for our discipline if applicable.
(b) Recommend to the Control Line Technical Committee any rule changes for BMFA/FAI rules appertaining to our discipline if applicable.
(c) Submit names to the Technical Committee for the FAI judges and jury list from qualified BMFA members within our discipline.
(d) Send a representative to attend the Control Line Technical Committee meetings at the expense of the BMFA
6) Every UK flying or organising member of the CFA will be a BMFA member.
7) A list of all members of the CFA, and any sub organisations, will be forwarded to the BMFA Membership Secretary by March 31st each year. This list will highlight which of the persons upon it are non-flying or organising members of the CFA and will include all BMFA numbers where applicable.
8) A written report or minutes of any meetings of the Committee or Sub-Committee of the CFA will be forwarded to the BMFA General Secretary within 28 days of the said meeting. For Annual General Meetings, minutes will be sent together with a listing of all elected officials on the Specialist Body returns form provided by the Leicester office.
9) The CFA and any sub organisations within it will forward an annual report to the BMFA General Secretary.
10) The CFA will be responsible for organising running and financing events within Control Line Combat, for and on behalf of the BMFA, at the request of the CLTC. No financial loss will be allowed.
11) The CFA will forward details of the dates, venues and contact details for any events or competitions it or its sub organisations are to hold in the following year, to the BMFA Competition Secretary via the web site as soon as they are available.
12) If the CFA organises competitions throughout the year, at least two will be organised in addition to the National Championships, in such a way that any BMFA member may enter.
13) The CFA will send results of its BMFA/FAI rules competitions to the Records Officer within the time specified in the BMFA General Competition Rules.
14) The CFA will have four officers elected by its membership at an Annual General Meeting. These will be Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Competition/Event Secretary. These officers will serve two-year terms with two officer positions elected each year. Potential officers must be regular and recent competitors as defined elsewhere in this document.
15) Three officers' meetings will take place each year at which minutes will be taken plus an Annual General Meeting at which minutes will be taken and a full statement of accounts prepared and made available to the members of the CFA.
16) The CFA will operate in accordance with its constitution.
17) The CFA will forward copies of any newsletters and interim reports on its activities to the council delegate of the Control Line Technical Committee.
18) The CFA will maintain diligently a close liaison with the Control Line Technical Committee and the BMFA Council.
19) The CFA will accept no confidential information. All members of the CFA will be able to access any information that the association holds at any time.
20) All financial transactions, no matter how small, will be run in a completely transparent manner and any member can feel free to have any matter explained at any time.
21) The CFA will attempt to keep all entry fees to a minimum to offer members best value, whilst keeping to the absolute requirement that no event may be run at a loss.
22) All proposed rule changes will be decided upon democratically at the Annual General Meeting which will be held at or around the time of the British National Championships but in any case at such a time that any proposals can be passed to the BMFA, via the Control Line Technical Committee, at its first meeting after the National Championships.
23) Full National Championships results will be provided to the BMFA within seven working days of the end of the event.
24) All trophy results will be made available to the BMFA records officer within seven days of the final results becoming available.
25) Proposed rule changes must have a clear 60% majority before they will be submitted to the BMFA.
26) Only regular and recent competitors will be allowed to vote on rule changes in existing classes. To qualify for this, the member must have flown in the class in at least two CFA recognised events within the previous
thirteen months, and one of these events must be the British National Championships.
27) This constitution can only be changed upon receipt of a 75% vote in favour at the Annual General Meeting.
28) The CFA will honour its World and European Champions with lifetime memberships.
Constitution - V1 - 26/8/24

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